Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Tale of the Mysterious Package.

Today was a long day for me. Up early to take the kids to a local flea market with my mom, brother, sister, and their kids (10 all together).
We had fun, and the kids got to pick one item to get to bring home with them. Even the adults broke down and got something for themselves. My was a pretty summer dress, that ended up not fitting me, so it will go to my mom or sister. Yes, summer dress. It's still 90F here.

When I got home, there was two packages waiting for me. The first was the pretty pink envelope from ispy. The other a plain package. I was only expecting ipsy, so I had no clue as to what the second was. 
I sat down with the Bumblebee and we opened the ipsy together. She likes to oh and ah over everything, and always asks to have the pink envelope when I'm done with it. Next I open the second package; it's a Covergirl Clump Crusher mascara. I am so confused. I didn't order this. It's not Secret Santa time yet. Time to research...

Step one: Who is this from? I google "marina maher communications". They are a company that markets to women. No help there.
Oh look, a client list. Covergirl is on it. Again, no help.

Step two: Now what contests have I entered? Ten minutes later I stop laughing at myself and spend a couple minutes wondering if I should start tracking all the contests I've entered, and how would that spreadsheet or database look like, and in the middle of all this my brain says "what was Allure giving away back in August? Isn't that stuff supposed to mailed this month or something?"
Got it brain, head to Allure website. Five minutes of poking around trying to find the old info, and it's time to google the list. Please let some beauty blogger have the list. Someone must have the...SCORE!

So, yeah, I won the mascara from the August 2015 Allure giveaway. Thank you Allure! And thank  you for popping up first in the googling for the list!

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